How to remove roaches from playscenes
For playscene hexers, the kitchen is a popular base because it has cabinets and stuff. But the roaches can be offputting. Removing them seems pretty simple! Open the playscene in a hex editor and search for the hex
B0 01 C3 90 90 90 90 90
Now you'll want to flip that 01
to a 00
B0 00 C3 90 90 90 90 90
That's it! Have fun with your roach free playscenes!
The Technical Details
I found this by opening Kitchen.env in a disassembler called IDA Pro. I found this function called GetHasCockroaches
and guessed it had something to do with roaches... because of the name LOL. Also that it was a "bool" which means boolean and that means it has the value of true or false. In binary that's 0 or 1. And I just found the 1 (true) in the hex view and changed it to 0 (false). I'd had trouble testing this in the past since I rarely see roaches. But luckily, Mythic Silence had a roach problem and was able to test for me.