Unique's NIB Scottie Lines
I decided to breed an NIB hex-free purebred Scottie line. Scotties aren't super popular but I love them! They can be a handful and their high naughtiness and independence makes them hard to pose. But they more than make up for it with funny personalities.
Western Isles Line
A traditional NIB line with a focus on getting wheaten genes
Supreme Grand Champion (SGCh) Unique's Isle of Iona 7th gen
Line "Enya" 7th gen: I wanted to breed some NIB cream colored dogz like the "wheaten" IRL scotties. I love how she turned out. The cream color looks great.
Supreme Grand Champion (SGCh) Unique's Loch Lomond 7th gen
Line "Conan" 7th gen: This is an all-black line. In addition they have slightly shorter bodies than the "Enya" line. I bred for unusual eye color since I was keeping the black color. Most of the different eye colors in this line are darker browns and beiges.
MGCh Unique's The Road To Dundee
Son of "Conan" and "Enya", selected because he carries the wheaten genes. Brexed to be brindle.
Glasgow Half Line
A half line is when you breed each gen to an AC pet to get to the full 8th generations. Uses fewer petz and tends to be closer to the AC type. I wanted this line to carry more wheaten genes to breed into the Western Isles Line.
Ch Unique's Comin' Thro' the Rye
Brexed to be brindle.
If you've adopted a scottie from me feel free to use this stamp:

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Pet Quality Vs. Show Quality
Show quality adoptions are typically available on forums like Duke's Group, RKC, and Whiskerwick. They usually require showing. I consider scotties show-quality if they
- have just one fur color (all black, all wheaten)
- natural colored eyes (preferably dark)
Pet quality scotties may have two coat colors, unnatural eye colors like teal, or other mutations like brown or grey fur. They are available on PUGS and TFM.
Other lines
I thought it would be fun to link to other NIB lines